01 | -- Opdracht 1 | Products |
02 |
03 | /* Toon alle producten oplopend gesorteerd op prod_name. */ |
04 |
05 | -- prod_id vend_id prod_name prod_price prod_desc |
06 | -- BR02 BRS01 12 inch teddy bear 8.99 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
07 | -- BR03 BRS01 18 inch teddy bear 11.99 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
08 | -- BR01 BRS01 8 inch teddy bear 5.99 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
09 | -- BNBG02 DLL01 Bird bean bag toy 3.49 Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included |
10 | -- BNBG01 DLL01 Fish bean bag toy 3.49 Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
11 | -- RYL01 FNG01 King doll 9.49 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown |
12 | -- RYL02 FNG01 Queen doll 9.49 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown |
13 | -- BNBG03 DLL01 Rabbit bean bag toy 3.49 Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots |
14 | -- RGAN01 DLL01 Raggedy Ann 4.99 18 inch Raggedy Ann doll |
15 |
16 | SELECT |
17 |
18 | -- Opdracht 2 | Products |
19 |
20 | /* Toon de unieke vend_id aflopend gesorteerd. */ |
21 |
22 | -- vend_id |
23 | -- FNG01 |
24 | -- DLL01 |
25 | -- BRS01 |
26 |
27 | SELECT |
28 |
29 | -- Opdracht 3 | Orders |
30 |
31 | /* Toon de cust_id, de order_num en sorteer respectievelijk op oplopend en aflopend. */ |
32 |
33 | -- cust_id order_num |
34 | -- 1000000001 20009 |
35 | -- 1000000001 20005 |
36 | -- 1000000003 20006 |
37 | -- 1000000004 20007 |
38 | -- 1000000005 20008 |
39 |
40 | SELECT |
41 |
42 | -- Opdracht 4 | Products |
43 |
44 | /* Toon de prod_name oplopend gesorteerd op getallen en dan pas op tekst. */ |
45 |
46 | -- prod_name |
47 | -- 8 inch teddy bear |
48 | -- 12 inch teddy bear |
49 | -- 18 inch teddy bear |
50 | -- Bird bean bag toy |
51 | -- Fish bean bag toy |
52 | -- King doll |
53 | -- Queen doll |
54 | -- Rabbit bean bag toy |
55 | -- Raggedy Ann |
56 |
57 | SELECT |
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